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Ultrasound Machines
Ultrasound Machines
Ultrasound Therapy utilises mechanical vibrations at frequencies beyond the typical human sound range to induce therapeutic effects. These frequencies, generally between 1.0 and 3.0 MHz (1 million cycles per second), play a crucial role in therapy. When ultrasound waves interact with tissue, they create micro-vibrations, generating heat energy.
This localised heat promotes blood circulation, increases oxygen and chemical levels in the targeted area, and facilitates tissue healing. Ultrasound expedites the transfer of chemicals to damaged tissue, aiding in the formation of new tissue and ensuring proper alignment of tissue fibers for flexibility and strength restoration.
Ultrasound Therapy speeds up healing and tissue regeneration processes effectively. Practitioners widely employ this therapy in physical therapy due to its significant benefits.
Unlike traditional cold therapies using ice packs, Ultrasound Therapy utilizes sound waves to generate heat, promoting healing. The ultrasound machine, applied directly to the affected area with gel, delivers heat to specific points for targeted results.
How Ultrasound Machines Work
Ultrasound therapy involves using a probe that directly contacts the injured area. The probe's vibrating crystals generate sound waves in an electric field. These waves reach the injured area, causing surrounding tissues to vibrate, resulting in warmth. The probes must be kept moving, rather than staying still as it could burn an area of the skin.
Increased blood flow due to the generated heat expands blood vessels, facilitating enhanced blood circulation and hastening the healing process.
Ultrasound gel is applied to minimize friction and allow effective sound wave penetration, while the probe is maneuvered in a circular motion around the affected region.
How is Ultrasound Therapy Performed?
Ultrasound Therapy effectively reduces tissue inflammation and alleviates pain while enhancing blood circulation in targeted areas. It benefits various body regions, including the shoulders, neck, back, knees, and joints, providing relief and promoting healing. The 3MHz Ultrasound Machine is particularly suitable for facial treatments and beauty care.
Ultrasound Therapy proves beneficial for specific ailments such as bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, myofascial pain syndrome, osteoarthritis, and phantom limb pain. It offers targeted pain relief and aids in injury rehabilitation and recovery. Moreover, ultrasound therapy is versatile, treating soft tissue damage, chronic connective tissue and joint dysfunction, periarthritis, tenosynovitis, tendonitis, chronic sprains, strains, muscle spasms, and more.
Precautions and Considerations
Ultrasound therapy should be avoided in cancer-affected areas, children with immature bones, proximity to the eyes, and areas near the heart or sexual organs.
It is crucial to avoid ultrasound therapy near open wounds, metal implants, during pregnancy, or over implanted electrical stimulation devices.
The Placebo Effect
While ultrasound therapy offers benefits, its efficacy varies, with some conditions not responding significantly to treatment.
It is essential to understand the placebo effect and exercise caution to ensure therapy is administered based on sound medical judgment.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can Ultrasound Therapy be used on the neck or shoulder? Yes, ultrasound therapy is suitable for these areas.
- What's the difference between 1MHz and 3MHz Ultrasound devices? The depth of penetration varies; 1MHz devices penetrate deeper.
- Is Ultrasound Therapy painful? No, it should not cause additional pain if administered correctly.